Wheel of the Nine Waves


Our spin on the traditional “Wheel of the Year” style Oracle Card Reading, this 12-card spread using the Nine Waves Oracle Cards employs twelve cards, which are interpreted to reveal insights for each month of the year.  These insights may also provide guiding spirits who may potentially assist you on your journey. Your reading will begin with the month in which the reading was performed (example: a reading purchased on 10/1 will begin with October and end with the following September, while a reading purchased on 5/25 would begin with May and end with the following April). Your reading will be delivered to you as a full-color PDF  within 7 days of purchase (you must be able to receive and read PDF documents via the email address given at time of purchase!).  All sales are FINAL: no refunds or returns.


Our spin on the traditional “Wheel of the Year” style Oracle Card Reading, this 12-card spread using the Nine Waves Oracle Cards employs twelve cards, which are interpreted to reveal insights for each month of the year.  These insights may also provide guiding spirits who may potentially assist you on your journey. Your reading will begin with the month in which the reading was performed (example: a reading purchased on 10/1 will begin with October and end with the following September, while a reading purchased on 5/25 would begin with May and end with the following April). Your reading will be delivered to you as a full-color PDF  within 7 days of purchase (you must be able to receive and read PDF documents via the email address given at time of purchase!).  All sales are FINAL: no refunds or returns.


**Necessary Disclaimer: Our readers are NOT licensed, professional counselors. These readings are offered for edification and entertainment purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for professional medical, psychiatric, or financial assistance/advice.**